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Study Guide

Field 110: School Building Leader Part Two
Sample Performance Tasks

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Sample Directions

For each of the assignments in this section, you are to prepare a written response and record it in the on-screen response box presented with each assignment. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response for each assignment.  start bold You must write responses to all of the assignments in this section. end bold 

Read each assignment carefully before you begin to work. Think about how you will organize each of your responses. You will be provided with a felt pen and erasable notebooklet, which you may use to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response.  start bold However, your final response to each assignment must be typed in the on-screen response box presented with the assignment end bold . Each assignment contains directions for the suggested length for an appropriate response. You may use the word-count feature in the lower left corner of the response box to monitor the length of your response.

Your response to the written assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

start bold COMPLETENESS: end bold The degree to which the response addresses all parts of the assignment

start bold ACCURACY: end bold The degree to which the response demonstrates the relevant knowledge and skills accurately and effectively

start bold DEPTH OF SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING: end bold The degree to which the response provides appropriate examples and details that demonstrate sound reasoning and reflects a strong understanding of the relevant knowledge and skills

Your responses will be evaluated on the criteria above, not on writing ability. However, your responses must be communicated clearly enough to permit valid judgment of your knowledge and skills. Your responses should conform to the conventions of edited American English. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work.

Be sure to write about the assigned topics. You may not use any reference materials during the test. Remember to review your work and make any changes you think will improve your responses. You may work on the assignments in any order you choose, but be sure to finish all three assignments before the end of the test session.

Assignment 2: Developing Human Capital

Competency 0001 
Developing Human Capital to Improve Faculty and Staff Effectiveness and Student Achievement

Use the information below and the five documents provided to complete the four tasks that are presented.

You are the new school building leader at East Brunswick Middle School. The school enrolls approximately 575 students in grades  6 to 8  and is located in a diverse urban district. East Brunswick has a history of student performance at or slightly above state averages, low faculty turnover, and a supportive school community.

Five years ago, Dr. K, the previous building leader, launched an instructional improvement initiative. Dr. K collaborated with administrative staff and faculty members on a school vision strongly focused on academic success for all students. The initiative was well received throughout the school community. Over the first three years of the initiative, student achievement improved significantly at East Brunswick and scores on state assessments showed notable gains. Beginning in year four, however, the rate of improvement slowed, and student achievement plateaued. Dr. K retired at the conclusion of year five.

When you accepted the building leader position, the superintendent tasked you with reinvigorating instructional improvement at East Brunswick. With this goal in mind, you review student performance data, teacher evaluation and observation data, and the results of teacher perception surveys.

Document 1: Student Performance Indicators for East Brunswick Middle School

State Assessment Results for All Students
Grades  6 through 8  Two-Year Comparison

This table displays the percentage of students in all groups scoring at or above Level 3 ("meets proficiency standard").

School District State
2 Years Ago Last Year 2 Years Ago Last Year 2 Years Ago Last Year
E L A 63 percent  64 percent  58 percent  62 percent  50 percent  53 percent 
Math 75 percent  76 percent  70 percent  74 percent  63 percent  64 percent 

State Assessment Results by Student Group
Grades  6 through 8  Two-Year Comparison

This table displays the percentage of students, by group, scoring at or above Level 3 ("meets proficiency standard").

This cell is intentionally left blank. Percent of School Population 2 Years Ago Last Year
 E L A  Math  E L A  Math
Grade 637%65%75%67%78%
Grade 733%62%73%63%75%
Grade 830%61%76%61%74%
Economically Disadvantaged43%54%67%52%66%
English Language Learners 7%41%63%43%61%
Students with Disabilities 12%42%53%44%55%

Document 2: Teacher Evaluation Data

Composite Evaluation Scores: All Teachers (last year)

(as assessed through multiple measures, including measures of student achievement and other measures of teacher practice)

This cell is intentionally left blank. Ineffective Developing Effective Highly Effective
Subject Area Total Teachers N % N % N % N %
 E L A 1000.0%110.0%770.0%220.0%
Social Studies500.0%00.0%360.0%240.0%
L O T E200.0%00.0%2100.0%00.0%
Special Education500.0%00.0%480.0%120.0%
Non-Core ( G and T , Library Media, Health)400.0%00.0%4100.0%00.0%
Specialty Areas ( P E , Art, Music,  F A C S )800.0%112.5%675.0%112.5%
 E N L 100.0%00.0%1100.0%00.0%


E L A – English Language Arts 
L O T E – Languages Other than English 
 G and T  – Gifted and Talented 
 P E  – Physical Education 
 F A C S  – Family and Consumer Sciences
 E N L  – English as a New Language

Adjusted Mean Growth Percentile (MGP)* for Teachers A, B, C, and D

Teacher Subject Adjusted MGP Adjusted MGP Confidence Range Growth Rating
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Averages for  E L A  Department 58 54 62 Effective
Teacher A  E L A  55 50 59 Effective
Teacher B  E L A  38 32 44 Developing
Averages for Math Department 68 64 73 Effective
Teacher C Math 81 77 86 Highly Effective
Teacher D Math 63 57 69 Effective

*Note: The state provides MGPs only for informational purposes.

Document 3: Excerpt from End-of-Year Teacher Survey Results (five-year comparison)

When considering your experiences at East Brunswick Middle School, how much do you agree that: Percent Agreeing or Strongly Agreeing
5 Years Ago
(100% responding)
3 Years Ago
(92% responding)
Last Year
(86% responding)
The instructional improvement initiative is achieving its goal of promoting academic success for all students.78%67%56%
The instructional improvement initiative provides strategies to achieve instructional goals for all students.72%64%56%
Performance expectations for teachers are clear under the instructional improvement initiative.76%66%58%
Using the instructional improvement initiative, you regularly differentiate instruction to meet varied student needs.70%62%54%
Teacher training to implement the instructional improvement initiative is effective.77%72%58%
School leadership is responsive to your needs.68%56%44%
You receive encouragement and support from school leadership.64%52%40%
Your schedule allows for reasonable planning time.64%56%42%
You actively work with other teachers in your department and/or grade level.66%58%46%
You actively work with teachers outside of your department and/or grade level.60%54%42%
Professional learning activities meet your needs.62%54%40%
You are willing to facilitate a professional learning activity.64%56%48%
The administration values innovation and new ideas.62%52%40%

Views expressed by more than 5 respondents (last year):

  • Not many teachers participate in team activities.
  • Administrators do not consistently support teacher leadership.
  • Team meetings are a waste of valuable time.
  • Teacher achievements and contributions should be recognized publicly more often.
  • Attendance at team meetings should be required.

Document 4: Excerpt of Teacher Observation Summary Data on Teacher Practice Rubric for Teachers A and B

Domains and Selected ComponentsTeacher ATeacher B
Overall Quality Rating32
Planning and Preparation32
• demonstrating knowledge of content43
• demonstrating knowledge of pedagogy32
• selecting instructional outcomes33
• designing coherent instruction 32
• designing student assessments 31
Communication with Students43
• expectations for learning33
• directions and procedures42
• explanations of content43
• use of oral and written language33
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques42
• quality of questions42
• discussion techniques42
• student participation32
Engaging Students in Learning32
• activities and assignments 32
• grouping of students 31
• instructional materials and resources33
• structure and pacing32
• adequate scaffolds for all students21
Using Assessment in Instruction31
• assessment criteria 31
• monitoring of student learning32
• feedback to students31
• student self-assessment and monitoring of progress21
Professional Responsibilities21
• reflecting on teaching 21
• maintaining accurate records32
• communicating with families/caregivers22
• participating in a professional community11
• growing and learning professionally21

Document 5: Excerpt of Teacher Observation Summary Data on Teacher Practice Rubric for Teachers C and D

Domains and Selected ComponentsTeacher CTeacher D
Overall Quality Rating43
Planning and Preparation43
• demonstrating knowledge of content43
• demonstrating knowledge of pedagogy44
• selecting instructional outcomes43
• designing coherent instruction 43
• designing student assessments 43
Communication with Students44
• expectations for learning44
• directions and procedures 43
• explanations of content 44
• use of oral and written language 44
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques43
• quality of questions 43
• discussion techniques33
• student participation 44
Engaging Students in Learning43
• activities and assignments 43
• grouping of students 44
• instructional materials and resources 33
• structure and pacing 43
• adequate scaffolds for all students44
Using Assessment in Instruction43
• assessment criteria 43
• monitoring of student learning43
• feedback to students44
• student self-assessment and monitoring of progress32
Professional Responsibilities43
• reflecting on teaching 43
• communicating with families/caregivers33
• participating in a professional community32
• growing and learning professionally42
• demonstrating professionalism43

This assignment consists of four separate tasks. Task 1 addresses an immediate human capital issue. Task 2 addresses a long-term human capital issue. Tasks 3 and 4 address approaches to take with specific teachers.

Task 1

Based on the information provided and your understanding of school building leadership, what is the most pressing, immediate human capital concern at East Brunswick Middle School and how would you address it? Explain why.

Be very specific in your answer, being sure to clearly identify the situation, what you would do about it, and the evidence necessary to justify your answer.

Your response should be approximately  100 to 200  words and may be in the format of your choice (e.g., paragraph, bulleted list).

Sample Response to Task 1

(187 words)

The most pressing human capital concern to address is the performance of the three teachers rated as "Developing." As indicated in Document 2, while the majority of teachers were rated as "Effective" or "Highly Effective," there is one  E L A  teacher, one science teacher, and one teacher in the Specialty Areas rated as "Developing." As the principal, it is my responsibility to ensure that all students achieve academic success through high-quality instruction.

As the new school building leader, I would want to review the previous evaluations of these teachers and then speak individually with each of them. Together, we would identify their strengths and challenging areas to collaboratively develop a plan that will support their effectiveness as teachers. One important aspect would be to provide targeted professional learning to address any areas of identified need. I would provide additional support by seeking highly effective teachers willing to partner with each teacher rated "Developing." This arrangement would provide opportunities for the highly effective teacher to share, model, and discuss proven instructional strategies and best practices. I would schedule opportunities for targeted observations, followed by focused feedback to the teachers.

Analysis of Response

The response demonstrates strength in the following Performance Characteristics.


The response completely addresses all elements of the task. The most pressing human capital need is identified as the performance of three teachers rated as "Developing." Plans to address this need are provided, and evidence is provided to justify the answer.


Addressing the performance of the three developing teachers is accurate and justified by evidence provided in the documents. The course of action is clearly described, including targeted professional learning and partnering these teachers with highly effective teachers willing to help. This is also clearly justified by the documents. The explanation is accurate and clearly related to the identified issue.

Depth of Support and Understanding

The response demonstrates a strong understanding of the school building leader by addressing the effectiveness of teachers who are in the developing stages with targeted professional learning as well as support from willing peers. The evidence to support the information is clear and from the documents provided. Reasoning is sound.

Task 2

Based on the information provided and your understanding of school building leadership, what are the two most important actions you can take to initiate long-term human capital improvements at East Brunswick Middle School? Explain why these actions would have long-term benefits.

Be very specific in your answer, being sure to clearly identify the situation, what you would do about it, and the evidence necessary to justify your answer.

Your response should be approximately  100 to 200  words and may be in the format of your choice (e.g., paragraph, bulleted list).

Sample Response to Task 2

(189 words)

First, I would meet with team leadership to jointly establish clear expectations for collaborative team meetings that will lead to more productive sessions. In Document 3, many teachers expressed negative views regarding team meetings. Last year, only 46% of the teachers agreed with the statement "You actively work with other teachers in your department and/or grade level." By establishing schoolwide norms for conducting team meetings, time spent will become more productive and inclusive. Follow-up discussions will be held throughout the year to monitor and possibly revise the plan.

Second, based upon the responses and comments in Document 3, most teachers feel a disconnect with the administration. To identify how, as the new principal, I would improve the situation, it would be important for me to gain more information regarding the specific areas that have become problematic. This could be accomplished by discussing the results of the "End-of-Year Teacher Survey" with team leaders and collaboratively developing action plans. This collaborative approach would have long-term human capital benefits, as it would lead to a professional learning community where teachers and administration are working together to support the school's instructional improvement initiative.

Analysis of Response

The response demonstrates strength in the following Performance Characteristics.


The assignment is completely addressed. The two most important actions to initiate long-term human capital improvements are identified as is an explanation of why they will have long-term benefits. A clear explanation is provided.


The two actions to initiate long-term human capital improvement are accurately identified as improving the productivity of collaborative team meetings and improved communication with building administrators. These actions are significant, appropriate, fully justified by the evidence provided, and clearly explained. Explanation is accurate and clearly related to the identified long-term human capital improvement needs.

Depth of Support and Understanding

The response demonstrates a strong understanding of the role of the school building leader in the given situation of improving communication and working relationships within the building. The evidence cited to support the findings is clear, relevant, and sufficient. Reasoning is sound.

Task 3

Based on the information provided and your understanding of school building leadership, describe the actions you would take to ensure that Teacher B develops into a more effective teacher. Explain why you would take these actions.

Be very specific in your answer, being sure to clearly identify the situation, what you would do about it, and the evidence necessary to justify your answer.

Your response should be approximately  100 to 200  words and may be in the format of your choice (e.g., paragraph, bulleted list).

Sample Response to Task 3

(198 words)

Since I am new to the school, I would review Teacher B's past evaluations to gather information on their performance. Next, I would meet with Teacher B to begin establishing a working relationship by discussing and having the teacher reflect upon their performance last year. With my input, Teacher B would be asked to self-identify the strengths and areas of need indicated in Document 4 to establish domains to improve. Based upon Document 4, an area of strength is "Communication with Students," while areas of weakness are in "Using Assessment in Instruction" and "Professional Responsibilities."

I would try to pair Teacher B with one of the two  E L A  teachers rated as "Highly Effective" to create a mentoring relationship. We would collaboratively develop the goals of a formalized plan to be addressed and how progress will be monitored and assessed. In addition to the formal observation procedure, I would conduct regular walkthroughs to observe instruction and provide informal feedback. The mentor will model lessons and meet regularly with Teacher B to discuss assessment, professional responsibilities, and other relevant areas. At year's end I will meet with Teacher B to assess progress and to plan for their continued professional growth.

Analysis of Response

The response demonstrates strength in the following Performance Characteristics.


The actions to take to ensure that Teacher B develops into a more effective teacher are completely addressed—meet with Teacher B to discuss strengths and weaknesses, and pair Teacher B with a highly effective teacher to serve as a mentor—and a clear explanation is provided. The task is fully addressed.


Based on the information provided in the documents, the actions described to help Teacher B become a more effective teacher—meet to discuss strengths (including communication with students) and weaknesses (including using assessments and professional responsibilities)—are significant, appropriate, and fully justified. The explanation is accurate and clearly relates the areas in need of improvement for Teacher B.

Depth of Support and Understanding

Evidence provided to support actions to be taken regarding Teacher B are clear, relevant, and sufficient. The reasoning is sound, and the response demonstrates a strong understanding of the role of a school building leader.

Task 4

Based on the information provided and your understanding of school building leadership, describe the professional growth opportunities you would suggest for Teacher C. Explain why.

Be very specific in your answer, being sure to clearly identify the situation, what you would do about it, and the evidence necessary to justify your answer.

Your response should be approximately  100 to 200  words and may be in the format of your choice (e.g., paragraph, bulleted list).

Sample Response to Task 4

(190 words)

As indicated in Document 5, Teacher C is a highly effective teacher who has been rated as distinguished in all but five of the items on the rubric. As a new principal, I would plan to meet with Teacher C to get to know them and to learn their future goals and aspirations. I would bring to Teacher C's attention the task given to me by the superintendent to reinvigorate instructional improvement at the school. In generating suggestions for professional growth opportunities for Teacher C, I would be sensitive to not make suggestions that would simply be additional work for Teacher C. Instead, together we would review the information from Document 5, looking for areas to leverage Teacher C's strengths toward possibly addressing the school's instructional needs. These opportunities could include contributing to professional learning on instructional topics, participating in mentoring, looking at strategies for communicating with families/caregivers and, if Teacher C would be interested, taking on potential leadership roles. By addressing any of these growth opportunities, Teacher C will not only improve or reinforce their skills but will also have a positive impact upon instructional improvement at the school.

Analysis of Response

The response demonstrates strength in the following Performance Characteristics.


Professional growth opportunities for Teacher C are fully addressed, including meeting to discuss future goals and addressing the superintendent's charge to reinvigorate instructional improvement. The task is fully addressed.


Given the information provided in the documents, the suggestions for future growth in Teacher C are thoroughly accurate and appropriate. Suggestions are fully justified by the information provided in the assignment. Looking for areas to leverage Teacher C's strengths, including contributing to professional learning opportunities on instructional topics, participating in mentoring, and improving communications with families/caregivers are appropriate and would be highly effective. All suggestions are thoroughly justified by the evidence provided in the documents.

Depth of Support and Understanding

Evidence of strengths in Teacher C provided in the documents is cited clearly, and sound reasoning is used to discuss how to explore professional growth opportunities. The response demonstrates a strong understanding of the school building leader's role.

Assignment 3: Family and Community Engagement

Competency 0002 
Family and Community Engagement

 start bold  Use the information below to complete the task that follows.  end bold 

You are the school building leader of a suburban high school with an enrollment of approximately 2,200 students in grades  9 through 12 . Over the past five years, you have led the school through a comprehensive review of programs and curricula. The goal of this review has been to identify areas in which the school's focus on college and career readiness for all students can be strengthened, in part by increasing opportunities for students to develop twenty-first-century skills.

A number of programs at your school have changed as a result of the comprehensive review. One significant change during this period has been a major expansion of the school's technology education sequence. The school has added several new, rigorous technology courses focused on the skills critical for success in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields in college and the workplace. In addition, previously existing technology education courses have been updated to emphasize technical writing, real-world problem solving, and student collaboration.

The expanded and revised technology education sequence is now in its third year. Faculty and staff have generally responded positively to the changes to the program. Most courses are fully enrolled, and parents/guardians of students enrolled in the new and updated courses report that they are pleased with the program. Currently, district and school leadership teams are considering expanding the technology education sequence further to add sections of popular courses and provide new courses in emerging technology fields.

You introduce the possibility of a new expansion of the technology education sequence at a meeting of the school's parent organization. In the discussion that ensues, roughly half of the parents/guardians in attendance raise concerns about the program. Many of these parents/guardians make comments equating technology education with vocational training. One parent states that current technology education courses could be offered through the regional Boards of Cooperative Educational Services ( B O C E S ) and that school resources should be committed to traditional core academic courses. Several other parents/guardians echo these arguments. Following the meeting, you review the current course selections and enrollments for technology education courses, summarized in the table below.

Overview of Technology Education Program

Course Description Available Seats Enrollment
2 Years Ago Last Year Current Year
Intro to Design and Drawing for Production ( D D P )Students create 3D models for analysis. Focuses on design and development processes.25222425
Principles of Engineering ( P O E )Project-based course explores manufacturing processes and technology systems. Students use math, science, and technology to solve problems collaboratively.30202428
Digital Electronics ( D E )Students learn soldering techniques; build circuits in the lab; and design, create, and present projects.25202324
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems/Robotics ( C I M S )Students solve design problems by creating 3D designs and explain work in written and oral reports; builds on skills learned in  D D P .50254447
Computer ProgrammingBasics of programming and using algorithms to solve problems, with links to math, science, and engineering.54274953
Computer Science ( A P ®)Builds on skills learned in Computer Programming. Individual and small-group projects required; students take  A P ® exam.28222325
Computer and Information SecurityFocuses on data protection and communication security. Students work in teams to assess vulnerabilities in data and networks.28262828
Networking I: Intro to Data CommunicationFundamentals of data management, including Ethernet technology, routing protocols, and wide area networks ( WANz  ).28232527

Based on the information provided, respond to each of the following prompts. Be very specific in your answers, citing evidence from the scenario as appropriate.

  1. What are two important issues your school is facing with regard to the possible expansion of the technology education sequence that could benefit from family/caregiver involvement?
  2. Explain why and how these issues could benefit from family/caregiver involvement.
  3. What actions would you take to work with families/caregivers to address each issue you identified in Part A? Explain why you believe that these actions would be effective.
  4. What additional challenges might your actions create and what are some ways you could manage those challenges?

Your response should be approximately  400 to 500  words and may be in a format of your choice (e.g., paragraphs, bulleted list).

Sample Response to Assignment 3

(493 words)

  1. One issue regarding possible expansion of our technology education program is that approximately half of our parents/guardians are opposed to expansion and are in favor of utilizing  B O C E S  programs for technology education. These parents/guardians favor putting our school's resources toward improvement of core academic programs.

    A second issue addresses the other half of the parents/guardians who want to see the program expanded and could be disappointed if their children aren't able to gain access to courses, as the classes are currently nearly full. They may feel that their children's success would be compromised by not offering courses considered crucial to success today.

  2. These issues can benefit from family/caregiver involvement because the families/caregivers of our students have a more personal understanding of their children's needs for success. Families/caregivers with a variety of viewpoints can come together to discuss the issues and learn more about our student population. This may lead to discussions about alternatives to in-school coursework (such as internships with local organizations), as well as other areas of focus we may need in technology education. According to the Overview, there are a variety of technology courses currently offered, but by engaging our families and community in the discussion of expansion, we will ideally develop a school environment that meets all our students' needs in technology or other areas of study, including core subjects.

  3. I would take a few actions. First, I would survey parents/guardians, as well as community businesses and leaders, and our students, with specific questions related to their perspectives about what are perceived to be our school's needs in technology education. This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the needs in this area. While all listed courses are at or near capacity, there may be other areas of technology we haven't addressed. Second, once this information has been compiled, I would invite our parent organization to meet to discuss and analyze the findings. From these discussions, I hope to find common ground, as well as help all families/caregivers understand the need to focus on technology education. We may find that  B O C E S  does, in fact, offer other courses in this area that we can take advantage of as well, possibly freeing up resources for other academic needs in our school. I am hopeful that we will gain information from all concerned families/caregivers, giving us the beginnings of a direction to proceed.

  4. A few challenges could arise. Parents/guardians opposed to the expansion may still feel that this is not the direction our school should be going. We may need to move slowly, adding increased focus on core subjects while continuing to provide information to families/caregivers about the importance of technology education at the high school level. We may also find that the interest in expansion is greater than we expected and greater than we can provide with existing funding. This may provide an opportunity to partner with  B O C E S  or community groups in providing additional courses as well as other alternative learning opportunities.

Analysis of Response

The response demonstrates strength in the following Performance Characteristics:


The response completely addresses all charges of the assignment. Two important issues—parents/guardians opposed to expansion and parents/guardians wanting additional programming—are fully addressed, as is an explanation as to how these issues would benefit from family/caregiver involvement. Actions for each issue, as well as the actions' effectiveness, are thoroughly addressed. Additional challenges are identified, and ways to address these challenges are also fully addressed.


The two issues identified are significant, relevant, and fully justified by the evidence presented in the materials provided. Families/caregivers are split in their approval of expanding the technology program.

Explanation of why and how these issues would benefit from family/caregiver involvement is thoroughly accurate.

Actions described to work with families/caregivers to address these issues are appropriate and based on information provided in the scenario as well as the Overview of Technology Education Program. The response fully and appropriately defends these actions, explaining why they would be appropriate.

Additional challenges—continued opposition to program expansion and finding that interest is greater than anticipated—are identified, and procedures to manage these challenges—moving at a slower pace toward expansion and possibly enhancing existing core programs, continued education regarding the importance of technology programs in the high school, and possibly partnering with  B O C E S —would be appropriate and highly effective.

Depth of Support and Understanding

The identification of appropriate issues is completely supported with evidence from the scenario and graphic. An explanation of why these issues would benefit from family/caregiver involvement and steps to be taken by the school building leader to address these issues are fully supported with sound reasoning as well as clear examples. Additional challenges and how to address them also demonstrate sound reasoning as well as a thorough understanding of the role of the school building leader in this situation.

Performance Characteristics

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to each assignment.

COMPLETENESS The degree to which the response addresses all parts of the assignment
ACCURACY The degree to which the response demonstrates the relevant knowledge and skills accurately and effectively
DEPTH OF SUPPORT AND UNDERSTANDING The degree to which the response provides appropriate examples and details that demonstrate sound reasoning and reflects a strong understanding of the relevant knowledge and skills

Score Scale for Assignment 2

Scores will be assigned to each response to the assignment according to the following score scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
3 The "3" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
2 The "2" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
1 The "1" response reflects a limited or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
U The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic or off-task, unreadable, written in a language other than English or contains an insufficient amount of original work to score.
B No response.

Score Scale for Assignment 3

Scores will be assigned to the response to the assignment according to the following score scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
3 The "3" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
2 The "2" response reflects a limited command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
1 The "1" response reflects little or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills.
U The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic or off-task, unreadable, written in a language other than English or contains an insufficient amount of original work to score.
B No response.